About Us


Since 2017, the first time that Pentens was introduced in Mauritius, we tested the products and received very good feedback from customers all around the island.

Consequently, GBM Ltd was incorporated in March 2019 for the import & commercialisation of building materials under the Pentens brand, from Taiwan.

We were very pleased with the quality of the products from Pentens, which is a premium brand, and the Leader in Asia.

Product portfolio of Pentens are, among others:

  • Waterproofing with Pure-Urea Spraying, Poly-Urethane membranes for Roofs, Swimming Pools, Balconies, Patios, etc…
  • Cements for special usage or repairs,
  • Silicones,
  • Epoxy floorings,
  • Crystalline Admixtures into concrete mix trucks.

At GBM Ltd, we are putting emphasis in the commercialisation of the below-listed building materials, and others will be introduced step by step.


Pentens® products are made in Taiwan and certified Green by various councils in Asia. This is in line with Maurice Ile Durable:

GBM Ltd (C/o Mr Fakhru Udhin), holds exclusive rights for imports and sales of Pentens Products in Mauritius and East Africa.

We have already enrolled in a Trade Show in South Africa to be held next year in Jo’burg and will show case our products for Marketing into Africa.

Twice-yearly visits made by myself at HQ of Pentens in Taiwan, for latest updates/ training, and yearly visit from our supplier in Mauritius,

Market Analysis

Problems of water infiltration & humidity

it is a fact that construction materials such as rock-sand and cement are of lower quality compared to the materials used 10-15 years in Mauritius and overseas.

Therefore, all architects and engineers will recommend the use and application of waterproof membranes on all roofs, bathroom floors, balconies etc….

Water infiltration is difficult to treat and at times not guaranteed if damage is already done, reason why it is better to apply waterproofing membranes during new constructions.

Prevention is better than cure.

Waterproofing in Mauritius and Africa are still done the traditional way, with torch-on bitumous membranes (dangerous/ hazardous application) being applied to untreated roofs. Most of the times, these membranes pop up with the heat and let water infiltrate the roof and create more problems rather than solving them.

With Pentens PU membrane, there is no such hazard during application, as the product is in liquid state. After contact with air and concrete, the liquid will solidify but remain very elastic, and infiltrate the substrate, hence protecting the roof against any water infiltration.

Our Pentens products being of higher quality, our prices are higher and not comparable to the cheap & low-quality products widely available on the market.

Our competitive edge comes from the quality of works given to the client.

We do not only apply the products, but we also treat the roof, all of these done by our certified and trained team under the supervision of Mr Pullwan.

Hence, the final product is guaranteed for 10 years.
Mauritius is yet to discover all the latest technologies in terms of Waterproofing and other Materials, and we, at GREEN BUILDING MATERIALS, have set the objective to become the No.1 in Mauritius in the next 5 years in introducing these new technological products.

Interested in our products?

But first have a look at our completed work